Stories tagged illinois

The Last Man to Ever Let You Down

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Jefferson pulled the lever and the back-hoe dug deep into the earth; the machine creaked and bucked, fighting soil hard-baked by two months of record heat. They liked the holes six feet deep by ten feet wide, just like in Georgia, but this…

Off the Beaten Path

138138 views99 comments44 favs

Off the Beaten Path we drove through the night off the beaten path all the way back from New Orleans I tried to sleep in the back seat only to be awakened again and again as you swung from one side of the road to the other you planted M-80s in mailboxes …

The Stars in Illinois

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Only early June, but the heat feels like August. Eleanor and Shelby sit on the front steps of the old Victorian-style house in downtown Los Angeles, drinking homemade margaritas and watching the daylight drain away to dusk. Shelby slaps a mosquito away fr