Stories tagged hiding

Blood Sugar

528528 views2727 comments1818 favs

Life feels like being stuck in a bus, next to a skinny bitch – the kind that keeps blinking.

The Monster's Other Face

873873 views00 comments00 favs

The yellowed and peeling posters of men and women with grotesque disfigurements under the slogan, “Know Your Criminals!” that peered down at him from the walls were a familiar sight. Everyone knew that people with faces like that were as monstrous as they looked…


7272 views1212 comments44 favs

My skin is tearing in microscopic slits

Iago’s Revenge

44 views11 comment00 favs

He laid low during daylight and ran the river during the pre-dawn and twilight hours on swift currents from mountain snowmelt. There was plenty of food and water to sustain him along the way. After six days on the river he pulled out and hid the stolen boat in…

Hellhound On My Trail

44 views22 comments00 favs

I need a place to stay the night, cheap and off the beaten path. It's pitch dark and foggy, street signs impossible to read. I drive around in circles for a while and pull onto a frontage road parallel to the main highway. This leads to a ramshackle area that's mixed…


609609 views00 comments00 favs

I don’t think I like where we stood To see these golden paths of what could I hate to think I awoke from this lie

Gray Lizard

10091009 views66 comments66 favs

He can’t enlarge the rock—/ can only find its safest distance