Stories tagged halloween


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"For God's sake," my mother said. "There could be anthrax in the candy." My mother worried about me going out on Halloween.

The New Meow

16771677 views44 comments11 fav

I'm delighted to report that I've come up with my own school of thought. It's called, "Dress Like a Cat Until You Get What You Want."


19011901 views2121 comments1313 favs

This is my house. You park in the back. * This is a picture of flowers and hands.


4444 views66 comments33 favs

that we, nature's children, shall never forget our origin, bearing ever witness to the ocean washing his gifts onto the land

Arroyo Vista (part two)

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Paul brings home Thai take-out for dinner. I spoon pad thai onto Ella’s plate, then cut the noodles into inch-long sections so she doesn’t choke.


12701270 views22 comments11 fav

It's Halloween again, the season when my mother died.

Becoming an Oates Girl

16371637 views66 comments22 favs

She walked, thighs flaming fire-cold, without complaining or grumbling or cursing the goddamn Midwestern winters the way the others did.

Pumpkin Patch

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Artie invited me to go with him to pick out a Halloween Pumpkin for the house. I had recently moved into a communal living situation and we were still getting to know each other. Artie was the kind of person who made a special occasion out of ordinary life. Why…

Buzz Kill

13331333 views22 comments11 fav

Blood had soaked through his Converse All-Stars, and into his cotton sox. It was the smell of metal, of iron more specifically, that nudged his mind out from the fog of shock and denial, closer to the reality of his circumstances.


233233 views2222 comments99 favs

for Halloween....

The Days of The Olde Burying Yard

15411541 views1515 comments99 favs

“Phennias Jessup is his name. That’s his death’s head scroll, an hourglass, bats, spirals and angel’s wings on either side of the top part of the stone. "


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"So," she addressed him, "what are you going to be for Halloween?" "I'm not dressing up this year," said Bentley, gray-sky eyes straight ahead. "You're kidding me," she said. "You're absolutely joking."

Grim and Me

6767 views44 comments33 favs

“Dying isn’t so bad. In fact, the only downside is there’s no coming back, unless you’re a Buddhist. And Buddhists don‘t even want to come back. Besides, you’re not a Buddhist. You‘re just an asshole, Fred.”

Autumn Offering

18851885 views88 comments55 favs

You may gather from me the spring of my youth

Gabbie Zombie

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And it whispered like any wood. And the blade moaned when he got too deep and tried to cut too much. And as the dead parts of him came off, in tendrils and dust, the man's chest began to move, like the hands around his heart had let go.