195 2 2
In another life you would have learned to cook.
2817 2 2
Foxes haunted her dreams. Islands full of foxes, truckloads of vixen.
73 7 5
“You look very glum for being so white,” said the fox.
“Do you believe in Jesus?” asked the unicorn.
1718 1 0
It was 1635. During the time of the Tokugawa, not too many years before the British were expelled from Nippon, Minister Miyoshi no Kyoyuki of Edo decided to indulge in a practice he had heard rumored of the British.
175 24 19
But do you cry for salamanders under any circumstance?
155 22 18
“Why do you wear smiling frogs on your socks?” the fox asked his friend, the sleek white unicorn, who usually didn't wear socks at all. The only thing the fox knew about frogs was that he…
1633 0 0
If you are a fox then I am also a fox.