1291 2 0
Well, I turn the car off, the song turns off, I gather all of my stuff, turn off my lights, inevitably drop something as I’m getting out of the car, shut the door, lock the car, fumble for my house key, walk up the stairs, unlock the front door, set my
619 3 2
On the drive home they are silent, like diffident strangers sharing a bus bench, though sometimes she rests her hand lightly on his leg, and when she does that his arm brushes against hers as he switches gears.
1334 0 0
Unadorned tragedies pinpoint the worst angles of the road; simple crosses or bouquets line boulders painted with car crash smoke or skid marks that tiptoe to the edge of cliffs and then, apparently, leap.
342 2 0
I had a serious illness during my senior year of college called senioritis. It affected me primarily the second half of the school year, after I got into graduate school. So, with that, I…
621 0 1
When you embraced me, I felt amazing.I rode miles today to play cards and drink Dr.Pepper with you. Today was the first time. As you whispered the words, the key, I felt your body tighten with mine.
216 2 3
Sleep rubbed from eyes (him), boulders and maps stacked wide rows of trees (persimmons), a single fruit stained in dirtsurfers bobbing, a couple dozen of 'em waiting on winter swells.His grandfather's hoophouses twelve cities away, crow-studded …