114 3 0
She considered herself the love of his life for he told her many times especially after arguments, after abortions, after her threats to leave him.
176 3 2
Where was Nietzsche when I needed him? How exactly did I become who I am?
34 2 0
That monk stopped the Ferris wheel with his mind, I swear.
61 5 2
So what if you bit into the shark?
You would have written the words
Hemingway would have expressed
as the bullet went through his right temple.
143 6 5
Once metal is rotting, there is residue.
Yes that is the color.
Caput Mortum.
350 2 0
When she opened the door of the place for me that first time I saw a painting on the opposite wall that immediately grabbed my attention. I mean it spoke to me. Loudly.
It looked like something by Goya, Di Chirico or Dali. I was transfixed.
2726 12 7
The explosions sound like gunshots. Antonio Gattorno, absorbed in his work, flinches. He curses as he smears the brush across the canvas. He’s been painting since mid-morning. It‘s a hot summer day. Tomorrow is the fourth of July.
1889 3 3
I got your card in the mail via my ex-wife in Saskatoon. On it you wonder where I am, if I am still writing, and if I have any stories I would send for you to look at because you think I should be published, too.
1767 15 12
We left behind the wedding rings on the dresser along with the other jewelry.
882 12 5
That some adults believed the drill would save/
us from the blast of fusioned hydrogen//
amused us as we quietly curled along
255 6 6
You are different.
They are not sure what to make of it.
Your r’s roll out too easily.
1121 5 4
You are different.
They are not sure what to make of it.
Your r’s roll out too easily.