She considered herself the love of his life for he told her many times especially after arguments, after abortions, after her threats to leave him.
Where was Nietzsche when I needed him? How exactly did I become who I am?
That monk stopped the Ferris wheel with his mind, I swear.
So what if you bit into the shark?
You would have written the words
Hemingway would have expressed
as the bullet went through his right temple.
Once metal is rotting, there is residue.
Yes that is the color.
Caput Mortum.
When she opened the door of the place for me that first time I saw a painting on the opposite wall that immediately grabbed my attention. I mean it spoke to me. Loudly.
It looked like something by Goya, Di Chirico or Dali. I was transfixed.
The explosions sound like gunshots. Antonio Gattorno, absorbed in his work, flinches. He curses as he smears the brush across the canvas. He’s been painting since mid-morning. It‘s a hot summer day. Tomorrow is the fourth of July.
I got your card in the mail via my ex-wife in Saskatoon. On it you wonder where I am, if I am still writing, and if I have any stories I would send for you to look at because you think I should be published, too.
We left behind the wedding rings on the dresser along with the other jewelry.
That some adults believed the drill would save/
us from the blast of fusioned hydrogen//
amused us as we quietly curled along
You are different.
They are not sure what to make of it.
Your r’s roll out too easily.
You are different.
They are not sure what to make of it.
Your r’s roll out too easily.