Stories tagged couples

Margaret & Beak Discuss Jazz for The Last Time

18721872 views5050 comments2727 favs

He lit a slim, brown cigarette and drew on it. "But have you heard the flugelhorn? I mean, have you heard a particularly adept flugelhorn?"

Under the Jacaranda Trees

305305 views11 comment11 fav

When I left, Phil dropped to his knees and grabbed my ankles with his hands. His face was red and ugly from crying. “Wait!” he kept saying. “Let’s just talk for a minute!” But we’d already talked. We’d talked and talked and talked. The only thing left to

Making Love- Circa Y2K

865865 views44 comments44 favs

I want to ask him why not now, right here on the living room floor when Rosie is out for the day. Instead, I suggest Sunday afternoon. I can make grilled cheese sandwiches and we'll eat them on the veranda. I'll take off my tennis skirt and unbutton my...

Sorting It All Out

760760 views77 comments33 favs

To understand how and when things have gone wrong, it works best to proceed from the beginning and put them in order.