61 1 0
In Rhodesia they Saw it fit to fling—‘kaffir', If black it…
2 0 0
In Rhodesia they
Saw it fit to fling—‘kaffir’,
If black it applied.
10 2 0
This plethora of fucks didn't strike me as very YA, but what do I know? I grew up in Texas where we don't let Young Adults read books with cuss words in them.
1620 12 12
Columbus Avenue, I’m the tense union of poor city rich city/
488 3 1
I thought I would be cooler. I had spent years working on it - being the "cool girlfriend". More than watch football, I could follow it and offer intelligent comments after ill-thrown flags. I delivered Hardee's Thickburgers to my boyfriend and his meathead friends at the…