146 2 1
In the middle of the city stood an enormous clock. The clock contained many parts: gears, springs, cogs, and so on. But in this particular clock, the two most prominent parts were the bell and the pendulum. The pendulum swung every second, and the bell ra
140 4 3
I sleep as if sleep were a hair shirt
1205 7 5
Nothing changes; the moon arcs its mindful lemon eye. . .
1314 10 6
"He turns in his bed, and reaches for a body,
like the blind to braille."
92 9 8
The single halter that I have -- a candle, or
a torch, though fulgent -- is no solvent to absence.
I eat in silence; I take, finally, like some communion wafer,
a thought on my tongue, and swallow the cusp of evening.