107 7 5
Takeo Suzuki was teaching KC, big-time film actor and director, the proper way to slice yellowtail. The chef made four quick cuts. KC mimicked him, but his cuts were barbaric and loud.
1061 4 0
As part of an online writers ”interview” series, I decided to deviate a little from the norm and do my first interview with our housecat, while I await my first ever conversation with an actual human.
2177 30 25
“Should I go over?” Ma asked, wishing she could freshen her lipstick while finger-combing her frosted hair.
“Sarah, fagodsake, let the man eat in peace. No one wants to have his picture made with food in their mouth,” said Pa.
1078 6 7
The currents of events/
strip the molecules from cartilage,//
reverse polarity of ventricles—