Stories tagged calamity

Testament Part 1 of 7

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Their nouns are few and stark./ Ours are numerous and dappled/ or subtly shaded and shadowed/ by circumstance and possibility.

Testament Part 1 of 6

5555 views33 comments33 favs

Their nouns are few and stark./ Ours are numerous and dappled/ or subtly shaded and shadowed/ by circumstance and possibility.

Testament Part 2 of 6

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One must learn to give the Bull the things/ it needs: space, grass and grain, his mates/ and offspring, and elude the things/ its momentary fury wants- your death

Testament Part 3 of 6

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Against that, this testament, scratched/ with misshapen styluses, made/ from memory by unskilled hands,/ with a pallid memory of ink.

Testament Part 3 of 6

907907 views66 comments44 favs

Against that, this testament, scratched/ with misshapen styluses, made/ from memory by unskilled hands,/ with a pallid memory of ink.

Testament Part 4 of 6

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We once saw giants in the clouds and in/ connected points of stars, and named/ them, gods. We placed them in their /high-halled villas,

Testament Part 4 of 6

841841 views33 comments44 favs

We once saw giants in the clouds and in/ connected points of stars, and named/ them, gods. We placed them in their high-halled villas,/ on the mountaintop, to game and frolic

Testament Part 5 of 6

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Who could stood up and looked and cursed their eyes./ The cries and whimpers of the undead cursed their ears./ Who lived breathed in the death and found their bodies/ broken in ways invisible. Salt and bitter the only tastes

Testament (complete)

13221322 views1616 comments1313 favs

Their nouns are few and stark./ Ours are numerous and dappled/ or subtly shaded and shadowed/ by circumstance and possibility.

Testament Part 6 of 6

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We were a people, whole and happy, once./ We were enamored with the repetitions/ and surprises of the world.

I Saw the News Today, Oh Boy

14201420 views1818 comments1414 favs

We are infused with fear and dread/ of the world we won’t engage/ except through flat screens and remotes,

The Great Dying, Pt. 2

10831083 views00 comments00 favs

"Great! Great. I got your message . . . yeah, it’s a little long. It’s 140 *words*, not characters . . . "

November Odds

11681168 views1313 comments88 favs

The stars align against us. Lines of force/ collaborate to push us off the edge/ into the dark abyss we’ve joked about.