Stories tagged brooklyn

Five Million Yen: Chapter 71

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It was that awkward time when one didn’t know if the night’s lover wanted to see you again.

Five Million Yen: Chapter 72

12161216 views55 comments22 favs

Ben considered his options in the taxi to Charles De Gaulle airport.

Five Million Yen: Chapter 73

872872 views22 comments11 fav

The pawnbroker sat behind bulletproof glass at the rear of the display area, a veritable potentate of hope and cash, exchanging expendable items for derisory cash.

Five Million Yen: Chapter 74: Coda

10091009 views33 comments11 fav

It was the first warm day of a late-arriving spring. Ben was sitting in his divorce lawyer’s office on Maiden Lane in lower Manhattan.

Trombones and Figs

13901390 views1717 comments1010 favs

“What are you doing, Maestro?"

The Nude Pianist: A Novel: Chapter 45

789789 views44 comments22 favs

Rent yourself a decent place to live, one with a shower.

The Nude Pianist: A Novel: Chapter 46

819819 views44 comments22 favs

Maria Monsanto, the curator of Francesco Martinelli's Atmospheres show, stood in the middle of the third-floor gallery.

The Nude Pianist: A Novel: Chapter 47

935935 views55 comments33 favs

—Mr. Martinelli, can you explain how you developed your painting technique?

The Nude Pianist: A Novel: Chapter 48

951951 views66 comments33 favs

If you shoot at them now, it'll be attempted murder or, worse, premeditated murder.

The Nude Pianist: A Novel: Chapter 49

825825 views22 comments11 fav

Francesco entered the gallery, and he immediately went to work.

The Nude Pianist: A Novel: Chapter 50

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Oriana, much as she wanted to, did not sleep with Francesco, propriety ruled.

The Nude Pianist: A Novel: Chapter 51

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Francesco tried to fix Oriana's face in his mind as he blindly walked to the taxi queue.

The Nude Pianist: A Novel: Chapter 52

10801080 views55 comments33 favs

In his dreamlike state the pianist turned into a preying mantis.

The Nude Pianist: A Novel: Chapter 53

761761 views55 comments22 favs

—Francesco, said Zambrano, rising from his desk and putting his arm around Frank's shoulder. You and me, we're business partners. Regular capital crime buddies.

The Nude Pianist: A Novel: Chapter 54

10661066 views44 comments22 favs

Frank shouldered his backpack, grabbed the leather satchel packed with his brushes, palette knives, pens, and pencils, and exited the vaporetto at the Rialto Bridge.