Stories tagged bears

You're Not Real

419419 views2929 comments1010 favs

"I raised my eyebrows while they moved before my eyes. They rocked, back and forth, in time with my heartbeats, and the candle flame danced and sang. "

No Lions or Tigers, Thank Goodness

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I scrambled back a bit and found my feet after untangling them from my trekking poles. Really should have dropped those when this all started. The bear lunged at me with his teeth and I just barely dodged to the left to avoid getting something bitten of

Horseshoe Champion

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It's a beautiful spring day in Boston. Birds are chirping. Flowers are blooming. And I'm eating a fajita while sitting on the stoop outside my apartment. Life is pretty ok. Suddenly, a rocketship descends from the sky and lands on the sidewalk.

The bit with the bear attack (novel excerpt)

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Then pain jerks him awake and he’s stretched on his back in the burnt-out foundation. He’s been dragged feet-first from his fireplace bed by a bear, a real bear, and now it rises to its full height and crashes down hard with its paws on his chest.

Sunday Morning Series- Two: A Tender Faith

825825 views1010 comments11 fav

feeding the lions, tigers

Where Have You Gone, Honey Bear?

12681268 views66 comments66 favs

When I wake up and look to my left, will you be there with me, snoring like an asthmatic bear?