190 29 20
The blind woman cannot help spoiling her seeing eye dog and so one day as they step out of her building and onto the sidewalk she realizes the dog has forgotten its training. She ruined her first set of eyes with night reading and a refusal to get glasses
1264 4 2
Sparky took to me immediately. In some atavistic canine way he knew I was simpatico to a dog like him.
168 11 5
—David, I wish you would give up smoking, said Michiko watching David tamp down a pack of Camels on the back of his wrist.
1169 4 2
He arrived at Bellevue hospital in a straight jacket bound to a gurney.
1267 8 5
When the cab dropped Frank at his address at seven that evening, he noticed the lights were on in Michiko’s apartment.
999 3 2
Frank met Angelique Brody on the street in front of his building.
1120 6 4
Frank kept looking over at Michiko’s loft.
1156 3 2
—So much for a cocktail at the tender hour of twilight, he told the empty beer bottle.
1088 3 2
Michiko stood in front of Steinway Hall on West 57th Street.
1117 2 2
Sounds terrific, but are there any strings attached?
1056 4 2
Frank was happy to leave the art show and take the train back to SoHo.
1026 3 2
Tuesday morning while Frank was in Dr. Jawarski’s office, Michiko was sitting in the waiting room of a gynecologist’s office.
1045 4 2
Frank left Michiko’s building and walked into Central Park.
1118 5 3
—Jesus, a snoring cat. No wonder Alex put this cat outside.
1030 4 2
Depression had Frank in its craw.