There was so much to overcome after a childhood of hiding self-loathing and panic under pillows, so much to do to make up for loss: the pursuit of a generous fan club, which entailed the cultivation of an opaque, John Galt persona, a larger than life self
Last week I came home early from work and caught my wife having sex with the Cookie Monster.
no one has managed to escape the certain pairing between death and a stone
He specializes in bird repair. They come in broken and leave more or less whole. Some get artificial wings that beat by means of a hearing-aid battery, slung under the bird’s body like an amulet. Some get new beaks to replace those blunted by crashing in
Any fans of First Shot who missed Chapt. 53, it's here: http://fictionaut.com/groups/novel-excerpts
The kind of poem poets write and read. I mean, hey I was feelin’ it HARD at 3:24 am, and this is what spilled out.