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they had babies - lots and lots of babies. And they drove around in giant, steel tanks that they called cars.
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Wolfman Jack growled his gravel.
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After the Tokyo experience, Frank and Michiko decided that when she went on extended tours, Frank would accompany her.
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When Frank entered Michiko’s apartment, Michiko was not there.
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It was 6 a.m. when the phone next to the bed awakened Francesco.
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Friday afternoon. Angelique Brody knocked Francesco’s studio door.
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Bounder squirmed out of Francesco’s hands and ran into the kitchen.
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On Monday, Michiko returned from Cleveland in a foul mood. She called Frank’s studio at three in the afternoon.
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The funk of wet wool, stinky feet, reeking armpits, stale beer and fried food created a bohemian fetor.
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Anatoly Gringovitch took a swallow of beer, thoughtfully put the cap on his Ferrari da Varese custom fountain pen, and launched into his story:
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I was always bi-polar. I didn’t realize it was a mental illness until my divorce lawyer had the court order a psychiatric analysis.
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—You know, Angelique, said Elaine Aster, dabbing her lips with a napkin, I’ve opened a new gallery in Paris.
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She’s a gourmet cook who can fake a great orgasm.
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—Now that’s a hell-of-a-painting, Frank, he said. Those colors are engaged in warfare. How the hell did you do that?
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I visited his loft last week. There were many exciting new pictures. Francesco was your main money earner before, now he will be again.