Alphabetical stories

Arcana Magi Memorial Vol.7 - c.4

852852 views00 comments00 favs

Azure lowered her head, nearly burying it in the window, watching the helicopter land.

Arcana Magi Memorial Vol.7 - c.5

787787 views00 comments00 favs

Azure lifted her head up – her heart racing – and she closed her eyes focusing her mind.

Arcana Magi Pure - c.1

13761376 views00 comments00 favs

Mayumi did not feel any pain, but it did frighten her. She slid her hand over her shoulder length hair and watched the mist cascade down her back.

Arcana Magi Pure - c.2

14011401 views00 comments00 favs

Mayumi and Emi stood quiet. Neither knew who would speak first, or if they even wanted to speak at all. They faced a strange aura now. A growing distance between them building up.

Arcana Magi Pure - c.3

13861386 views00 comments00 favs

Emi was cheerful and nice towards her classmates. It was like she saw a different person last night. Emi’s pupil-less red eyes frightened her, and the spell that she cast on her, that bump on the head still lingered.

Arcana Magi Pure - c.4

13081308 views00 comments00 favs

The stone floor was cold and the sky above had a purple haze. The setting sun hid beyond the trees outside the crumbled walls. Vines reached over the well as if it grabbed it like hand.

Arcana Magi Pure - c.5

13211321 views00 comments00 favs

Emi however, took her sister’s arm and looked at the bandage. Her normal green eyes stared coldly at the wound made by one of the large centipedes. Mayumi realized there was some sense of emotion from Emi wanting to come out.

Arcana Magi Pure Vol.2 - c.1

11821182 views00 comments00 favs

The sound of drums blared from down the street. Car horns tried to fight the sound. Mayumi and Keiko saw the size of the crowd walking past them increase.

Arcana Magi Pure Vol.2 - c.2

11251125 views00 comments00 favs

The sound built up, louder and louder causing birds and insects to fly into the air. Then it stopped.

Arcana Magi Pure Vol.2 - c.3

11911191 views00 comments00 favs

Ahead, she heard voices. She approached very slowly, as quiet as possible. She knelt behind a pair of shrubs and peeked through a small opening.

Arcana Magi Pure Vol.2 - c.4

11481148 views00 comments00 favs

Mayumi could see as far as her eyes could, all the buildings hugged by the trees. Roads stretching outward as if reaching for something far away.

Arcana Magi Pure Vol.2 - c.5

14401440 views00 comments00 favs

As Mayumi ran toward the battle, she watched helicopters over the giant centipede explode and rain down on the street below. Lightning bolts, fireballs, and water balls that burst into rain, littered the skies.

Arcana Magi Pure Vol.3 - c.1

10821082 views00 comments00 favs

Emi stood up and turned to Mayumi. She did not know what else to say. There was a sense of helplessness.

Arcana Magi Pure Vol.3 - c.2

10011001 views00 comments00 favs

Mayumi ran. She ran fast as if her life depended on it. She never looked back. She did not care about her friends. Mayumi just wanted to escape that world more than ever, but she did not get far.

Arcana Magi Pure Vol.3 - c.3

11201120 views00 comments00 favs

Mayumi and her friends arrived at the beach. The sun was near setting for the night, and a few stars began an early peek in the twilit sky.

Arcana Magi Pure Vol.3 - c.4

11281128 views00 comments00 favs

A pair of flowers leaned on each other, almost holding one another, their petals hanging off by the edge. Emi touched one of the petals to hold it up, but the dark mist appeared and made it fall off.

Arcana Magi Pure Vol.3 - c.5

11481148 views00 comments00 favs

The sound of the crowd’s excitement, their smiles, and laughter started to turn Mayumi’s thoughts about life in the Magi world.

Arcana Magi Pure Vol.4 - c.1

10671067 views00 comments00 favs

Mayumi noticed everything moving in real time. Everyone just stared and a woman approached her to see if she was okay. Once Mayumi felt the woman’s hand touch her shoulder, her skin crawled and she ran.

Arcana Magi Pure Vol.4 - c.2

991991 views00 comments00 favs

Mayumi and Emi followed Nina through a path away from the shrine grounds. It was narrow, but the plants did not interfere with their progress. Flowers showed signs of wilting, unable to handle the cold slowly coming in.

Arcana Magi Pure Vol.4 - c.3

11381138 views00 comments00 favs

Jumping from roof to roof, Keiko and Rumiko remained quiet after hearing Mayumi’s story. They saw the shrine ahead but they knew they were going to run out of buildings to stay above.

Arcana Magi Pure Vol.4 - c.4

10551055 views00 comments00 favs

Mayumi faced forward, channeled her Mana, and gathered a small pocket of air under hand. Soon the voice returned, rattling her mind.

Arcana Magi Pure Vol.4 - c.5

951951 views00 comments00 favs

The mist monster leaned over the building, drawing its face close to Mayumi. Its’ lavender eyes locked onto the Magi as she stood there ignoring Rumiko’s calls to flee.

Arcana Magi Pure Vol.5 - c.1

10961096 views00 comments00 favs

Mayumi and Emi were in the spring’s together, center of the pool at shoulder depth. Emi stood in the center, letting its warm and clean air clear out her thoughts.

Arcana Magi Pure Vol.5 - c.2

996996 views00 comments00 favs

Emi paced back and forth, fixing her jacket out of nervousness. The cool breeze crawled around her skin and she shivered.

Arcana Magi Pure Vol.5 - c.3

988988 views00 comments00 favs

It was unusual, a feeling of déjà vu waft in the air. However, this was completely new to them. Mayumi gripped her shoulders as Emi’s lips moved trying to ease her fear. Mayumi did not understand what this stuff was.

Arcana Magi Pure Vol.5 - c.4

10961096 views00 comments00 favs

The restaurant was not open yet, but Ayane stood behind the counter preparing tea for everyone. She was quiet as she saw Hideki and Mayumi alone in a booth talking.

Arcana Magi Pure Vol.5 - c.5

10401040 views00 comments00 favs

Outside Natsume’s room, in the kitchen, Mrs. Saito and Emi prepared lunch. They were silent, but there were no feelings of negativity in the air.

Arcana Magi Pure Vol.6 - c.1

18981898 views11 comment11 fav

Rumiko was atop a tree and no longer saw the town in the distance, but can see the mountains nearby. It was like Mayumi described it, but it look so far away.

Arcana Magi Pure Vol.6 - c.2

918918 views00 comments00 favs

As Mrs. Saito put on the helmet, the copter got off the ground. She focused her Mana and placed her hand on the window, bracing for the birds arrival.

Arcana Magi Pure Vol.6 - c.3

10911091 views00 comments00 favs

The streets were filled with animals of the forest. All in a panic trying to find a direction. Mixed among them were members of various Clans that lived in the forest.