
Title Replies Author Latest Post
A Welcome and Primer STICKY 87 Joani Reese 3 years ago by Kitty Boots
DOROTHEE LANG SENDS A VIRTUAL TOUR OF THE FRANKFURT BOOK FAIR! 4 Susan Tepper almost 14 years ago by Christopher Allen
"Found poetry" anyone? 10 Kait Mauro almost 14 years ago by Gary Percesepe
Angels Carry the Sun by Phoebe Wilcox Book Launch 7 Judith A. Lawrence almost 14 years ago by Susan Tepper
ISTANBUL LITERARY REVIEW 5th ANNIVERSARY ISSUE: LIVE 12 Susan Tepper almost 14 years ago by D'Arcy Fallon
Chapbooks... 6 Jules Archer almost 14 years ago by Jules Archer
Top 50 Literary Magazines 13 Matthew A. Hamilton almost 14 years ago by Randal Houle
Food 4 Thot: 5 Ramon Collins almost 14 years ago by Kait Mauro
NYC Gang: John's Pizza on Bleecker Today @ 3pm 3 Susan Tepper almost 14 years ago by Susan Tepper
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 1 Matt Dennison almost 14 years ago by Matt Dennison
unpraying, but religious with joy 6 Matt Dennison almost 14 years ago by Susan Gibb
pdf generator via Submishmash 1 Matt Dennison almost 14 years ago by Matt Dennison
Publication 7 Matthew A. Hamilton almost 14 years ago by Jules Archer
THE NERVOUS BREAKDOWN Q&A by STEVE ALMOND for Susan & Gary's New Novel 9 Susan Tepper 14 years ago by Susan Tepper
Africam 3 Matt Dennison 14 years ago by Matt Dennison
SEX SCENE: AN ANTHOLOGY has just been published. Includes stories by some fictionaut writers! 15 Cherise Wolas 14 years ago by Linda Simoni-Wastila
Okay you novelists -- how do you do it? 17 Linda Simoni-Wastila 14 years ago by Linda Simoni-Wastila
Notice Bored: 12 Ramon Collins 14 years ago by Susan Tepper
Escape Into Life 13 Linda Simoni-Wastila 14 years ago by Cherise Wolas
Web Fiction Writers' Guild forming 3 Duane Poncy 14 years ago by H-M Brown
Mason's Road 4 Matthew A. Hamilton 14 years ago by Matthew A. Hamilton
Dog Days of Summer -- for all you micro-fiction writers 5 Linda Simoni-Wastila 14 years ago by Car Gonzalez
No Feedback is Bad Feedback? 12 Thomas Shaggy 14 years ago by Car Gonzalez
Goodbye, Cruel Words -- 12 Ramon Collins 14 years ago by Ramon Collins
Private Groups for Workshopping 11 Paula Ray 14 years ago by Matt Dennison
is Fictionaut good or bad for getting "published"? 59 Sly V. Rourke 14 years ago by Christopher Allen
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