
Title Replies Author Latest Post
A Welcome and Primer STICKY 87 Joani Reese 3 years ago by Kitty Boots
MADAME TISHKA (World Famous Psychic to the Stars) 1 Susan Tepper over 13 years ago by Susan Tepper
Hunter College (NYC) Annual Writers Conference, Small Press Panel 1 Susan Tepper over 13 years ago by Susan Tepper
More ink, spilled... 3 W.F. Lantry over 13 years ago by W.F. Lantry
Stephen V. Ramey and Cheryl Anne Gardner now @ 'Pure Slush' 2 Matt Potter over 13 years ago by Susan Tepper
Big things at fwriction : review! 4 Danny Goodman over 13 years ago by stephen hastings-king
MONDAY CHAT with Jane Hammons LIVE! 1 Susan Tepper over 13 years ago by Susan Tepper
Ulysses Meets Twitter 2011 2 Marcus Speh over 13 years ago by Marcus Speh
Roberta Lawson's story Musica was one of the top contenders for the Ninth Glass Woman Prize 1 Beate Sigriddaughter over 13 years ago by Beate Sigriddaughter
Michael Webb now @ Real Time @ Pure Slush 2 Matt Potter over 13 years ago by Susan Tepper
Julie Innis and The Adventures of fwriction : review! 5 Danny Goodman over 13 years ago by Susan Tepper
if you know an author with a disbility... 3 Meg Pokrass over 13 years ago by Ramon Collins
Congratulations also to Kari Nguyen 6 Beate Sigriddaughter over 13 years ago by Kari Nguyen
Dallas Woodburn's story "Woman, Running Late, in a Dress wins first place in Ninth Glass Woman Prize 9 Beate Sigriddaughter over 13 years ago by Kari Nguyen
MONDAY CHAT with Robert Vaughan 5 Susan Tepper over 13 years ago by Susan Tepper
Queer's final gasp @ Pure Slush 1 Matt Potter over 13 years ago by Matt Potter
Faulkner on Hemingway 17 Michael Dickes over 13 years ago by Susan Tepper
last week of Queer @ Pure Slush 2 Matt Potter over 13 years ago by Susan Tepper
The Last Sacrament in Shotgun Honey 3 Thomas Pluck over 13 years ago by Jane Hammons
Shotgun Honey 2 Ron Earl Phillips over 13 years ago by Jane Hammons
Robert Vaughan Monday Chat morphs into an off off off etc etc Broadway Musical! 9 Susan Tepper over 13 years ago by Susan Tepper
Marcus Speh 'In the nude' now at Real Time @ Pure Slush 5 Matt Potter over 13 years ago by Sam Rasnake
Favorite Fonts? 5 W.F. Lantry over 13 years ago by MaryAnne Kolton
Frank Hinton walks his dog behind my house 6 Marcus Speh over 13 years ago by eamon byrne
Alison Barker's new short story, "Fact of Life," in the new issue of fwriction : review 1 Danny Goodman over 13 years ago by Danny Goodman
Shameless plug for a features show I'm working on 1 Kevin Myrick over 13 years ago by Kevin Myrick
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