Forum / Writerspace accounts leaked

  • Yankee.thumb
    Carson Baker
    Jun 17, 06:42am

    Hi guys,

    There was a security breach at today, and I've been getting several emails about whether or not any Fictionaut credentials were leaked. They haven't.

    For information on the breach, see this story:

    Obviously, if you're a member of Writerspace, you'll want to change your passwords immediately. If you're not, let this be a reminder to _never_ reuse passwords. In my opinion, this is the single most important thing you can do to protect yourself online. You can use a password manager to keep track of your various accounts.

    While we're on the topic, I'll add that Fictionaut stores passwords with high-grade encryption, and we haven't had any security breaches in our history. If you have any questions about security, privacy, or the use of your data on this site, please ask.


  • S._tepper--nov--lighter.thumb
    Susan Tepper
    Jun 17, 01:47pm

    Carson, thanks so much for posting this important information.

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