Forum / Sorry for the "hiatus" of sorts -

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    Kait Mauro
    Jun 16, 03:10pm

    But I am back now and intend to get some writing done. I did a poor job of continuing to write creatively throughout my freshman year of university but I survived and now it is summer and I have plenty of time to work on it all. I could use some good writing blogs to follow -- any suggestions?

    So far my summer has mostly consisted of the couch to 5k running plan, working two different library jobs, audiobooks, trying to eat healthier, writing lots of letters, and saving money for my Canon t2i camera. I also went camping and climbed a mountain in West Virginia last weekend to protest mountain top removal coal mining.

    What has everyone else been up to? Do people tend to write more or less during certain seasons?

    I'll do a better job of keeping up with writing during my sophomore year.

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    Susan Tepper
    Jun 16, 11:37pm

    Hi Kait, you sound incredibly busy, but all in a good way! Nice having you back!

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    MaryAnne Kolton
    Jun 17, 03:55am

    Kaite, good to have that first year behind you, I'll bet. I'm happy you've returned. At least I know you won't write DECLINED all over my work and send it back. . . .

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