4131 7 9
It’s Leap Year and my school is observing Sadie Hawkins Day, which means the sixth-graders have a dance where the girls ask the boys to dance and the rest of us get to dress up like hillbillies.
237 17 10
The squirrels in the swatch of a yard would not put up with any shit. Give me your food. Right in your face. Give me your food, motherfucker.
1424 6 3
Seph loved to scare her mother in the garden by picking up a worm with the tines of her gardening fork and chasing her with it, the dirty-pink body twisting on the end. Dee would scream a little, always eyes on the worm, and run slowly, as if…
77 9 8
Savanna ate one. Tim didn't dare her or anything.
1333 6 5
I have two memories of my dad. The first is a story he liked to tell: So my old woman came home one day with a worm. She sets the worm on the counter and goes into…
730 15 11
When the compost thaws the past oozes out into the present....