108 2 6
Everybody screwed up their faces, struck out their arms, stumbled and groaned. Panik-Udo knocked his heels together and shot up his right arm, Dr. Strangelove-style.
1237 0 0
I was headed back inside my den since these creeps just wouldn’t stop and thought they were the most hilarious creatures on the face of the earth, and I was afraid, to be honest, that one of their missiles might hit me in the eye. That’s when I n
367 0 0
Baagh looked up, her face saturated with the crimson red of accomplishment, as stars crept out of the darkening blue sky and filled the air with a blanket of twinkling lights. Two victims of the night laid still in the trail with their discarded long, b
1186 4 2
Culloden County, MS - 1989 All Janine knew was the idiot had a gun. As to why he would ever need one was beyond her. He couldn't look dumber holding it, either. He was too small for it, or at least he looked that way to…