Stories tagged paint

Our Bodies Breed Endless Trenches

1717 views33 comments22 favs

The pines that line Alden Highway are stained blue today, four days after my brother's soft flesh folded into its last embrace. The two things torn from the speeding car; his skinny body and six gallons of…

Paint Clot (Novel Excerpt)

1313 views00 comments11 fav

Damion was not this skin and bones saint. He was not the ascetic he carved himself out to be. He did not exist in a vacuum consuming and being consumed by only art. He was not all these things. And he was not always so painfully sober.


11001100 views33 comments22 favs

He painted a woman on them, identical to the woman that kneeled by his bed.

On Repainting My Bedroom Walls

421421 views33 comments22 favs

I love my new apartment: bay windows, crown moldings, smooth porcelain doorknobs. The only thing I don’t like is the color of my bedroom walls, a garish mustard yellow.

Patterns on Time

9797 views66 comments11 fav

I trip on the dimples, pimples, / divots camouflaged in the sand

I Would Show You

446446 views44 comments22 favs

I wish I could paint. I would show you high clays walls, bleached and blasted faces once a rich yellow but muted now by the years, standing silent in the night underneath dream-form shadows floating across the azure sea that stretches overhead. Cracks like junkies…

Painting with Big Mama

11731173 views44 comments33 favs

I still see Big Mama leaning over her garden to pick a zinnia to put in her still life. Her old pink slip, hanging diagonally a foot under her hiked up, ragged, stained dress, half covered by her paint smock, which matched her white, faux fur, bedroom sli