Stories tagged november

November Moon

8181 views22 comments00 favs

I could hear a lonely cricket searching for its mate in the tall grass. The cows, grunting, eased their way to the fence line, sucking the cool breeze. Part of the fence was blown sideways and the cows were forming a line to break through. I heard their c


13191319 views2929 comments1313 favs

Cinnamon and smoke infuse the days that shorten, chill, accelerate.


10671067 views1111 comments1010 favs

Dark day.

November Light

10811081 views1111 comments66 favs

the neighborhood glistens, silver,/ in an otherwise sad November/ light

November Odds

10961096 views1313 comments88 favs

The stars align against us. Lines of force/ collaborate to push us off the edge/ into the dark abyss we’ve joked about.

November Is The Month Of Dying

12441244 views77 comments66 favs

Two weeks after All Souls’ Day, he trudges through the overgrown pasture behind the farmhouse, his head bent, intent on his footing, a shovel his walking stick.