669 0 0
“The bear can run 100 yards in 8 seconds. These rifles can fire 5 shots in 8 seconds. So if a bear charges, I give you four seconds. After that, boom.”
The guide put down the rifle. “I will wait for you to shoot,” he said. “But not too long."
330 21 11
I’m Eve and I don’t know the name for Eve in Japanese. But I know the prices of apples everywhere.
1711 1 0
It was 1635. During the time of the Tokugawa, not too many years before the British were expelled from Nippon, Minister Miyoshi no Kyoyuki of Edo decided to indulge in a practice he had heard rumored of the British.
1566 0 0
It’s confusing enough to grow up in a place like America, a country without definitive culture, except for ranch dressing and reality TV, but it’s even worse to grow up half one thing, half another, christened a hyphenation of names without connection to
1736 7 5
When they were seven, he’d taken them out to the desert and let them shoot a .38 at rusted cans. The explosions rocked them back on their heels.
93 0 0
Sounds of bass and disco-techno music pounded the air around Duran. The music, pulsing strobe lights and streams of fluorescent colour sent his senses on a celebratory high.
258 2 1
"Kinky. You gonna slug me one with your tight fist down there?" Falcon teased the biggest boy.
153 6 3
"He was seriously flirting with you. All that free squid and shit! He never does that."