12 0 0
His gray hair was pulled into a loose ponytail, a shaggy cedilla dangling from the lower-case ç of his head.
1937 41 12
Within seconds, I strip her free of all that she wears. Her toes are polished the color of plump pink tulips.
1185 6 2
The sting of a slap will be remembered, as will sex, or at least a fragment of it, such as the face of a man in your room who tied your hands with the belt of your plush terry bathrobe.
1605 0 0
I am warming up the Hotel Hugo courtesy shuttle van when Victor the front desk manager comes striding out waving his arms asking me why I haven't backed up yet. Victor says I'm always in my own world when I should be paying attention to the work at hand,
1741 14 10
I can never tell if he’s drunk or using some sort of substance or if perhaps his brain just doesn’t fire at the pace that we have come to accept as normal.