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Bobby Fischer hates anyone using his name. Movies, books, stories, news articles, games. Kasparov, Spassky, even Deep Blue—he cursed them for ever having thought of his name. Whoever's thinking my name right now—burn in hell!
282 2 2
I play like I do with sister at home, pretend everything’s real, that the cross is heavy, that the walk to Golgotha is long.
1197 6 6
We cook over the fireplace on these days, blacken marshmallows on straightened hangers, like Eskimos, dogs around a campfire.
1166 3 1
We’re all competitive and drunk.
68 3 2
I suspected he might hate me. This was a game to him. He wanted to see who would scream,"Basta, basta!" first.
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I peered harder into his eyes. What was he trying to prove? What was he running from? My mind started doing a roll call of the many aliases I had invented over the years.
“Seria Loren,” I ended up saying and wanting to kick myself for blurting out m
59 5 3
WAR GAME It comes to war. Behind my back Gilleson has been rearming. Last week, his birthday, he received a full complement of marching marines. Thirty-six inch-tall blue rubber GI-rines…
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Weekly game night for the Oscar Family. Winning is secondary.