Stories tagged culloden-county

Okatooga Warhammer

2121 views00 comments00 favs

They looked like girl's jeans. Matt held them against himself in the mirror. Not that girl's jeans were a mark against them. Usually, girls had better jeans anyway. Matt took two of the biggest pairs out of the big chest in his grandmother's back…

One More Silver Dollar

11991199 views44 comments22 favs

Culloden County, MS - 1989 All Janine knew was the idiot had a gun. As to why he would ever need one was beyond her. He couldn't look dumber holding it, either. He was too small for it, or at least he looked that way to…

Regarding Hank

10361036 views00 comments00 favs

Won't speak a word against 'em. Car trunk stunk like bad chicken long after, but I won't speak a word against 'em.