Stories tagged cuban

I Gave You a Fountain Pen

4848 views22 comments11 fav

You just shrugged an oy vey and then pulled the ants off the cheese as if praying the rosary and patience were synonyms.

A Poem written as my Former Self

8787 views33 comments44 favs

And there it is lifeless. A bird. A robin? A blue bird with a yellow head. A mockingbird?

The House of the Rising Sun

125125 views77 comments55 favs

I blend in with my jeans and Batman t-shirt as if I am one of them. Just a middle aged woman walking her dog.

Alien Girl

255255 views66 comments66 favs

You are different. They are not sure what to make of it. Your r’s roll out too easily.

Alien Girl

10561056 views55 comments44 favs

You are different. They are not sure what to make of it. Your r’s roll out too easily.

Miguel Hernandez

7171 views33 comments33 favs

There's Miguel Hernandez playing softball in the middle of the street.He is so fine.He is so foxy.I am turning 15 soon.No quincenera for me.We are in hiding after papi tried to kill us with a kitchen knife.We left Miguel Hernandez.We left the duplex on SW 25 Terrace…