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Dumb-dumb bird sat down disrupt and abrupt. Dumb-dumb bird didn't understand I need space and there wasn't any space here for her squawking and turquoise bubble coat. Dumb-dumb bird got mad when I had to school her with several elbow jabs. She should know but soon found out…
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Docile orbs with bits of lemony orange appendages.
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Christmas Eve arrives with a relief that the season of joy will soon be over so I can feel the pain I am denying myself. Rosie presses her face against the kitchen window, leaving ghostlike impressions of the tip of her nose and her lips on the glass tha
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If you have never cooked a ham steak, you need not be afraid. The ham is often cut so thin that to over or undercook it is nearly impossible. The exterior reflects the centre better than any other meat; you will know when to stop.