Stories tagged cave

This Is Not A George Saunders Story

214214 views2020 comments99 favs

I’m nowhere near as clever as George Saunders. You might be here looking for something else, something more profound or even biting satire or absurdism but, nope, just me in a cave.

Testament Part 1 of 7

33 views00 comments00 favs

Their nouns are few and stark./ Ours are numerous and dappled/ or subtly shaded and shadowed/ by circumstance and possibility.

Testament Part 1 of 6

5555 views33 comments33 favs

Their nouns are few and stark./ Ours are numerous and dappled/ or subtly shaded and shadowed/ by circumstance and possibility.

Testament Part 2 of 6

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One must learn to give the Bull the things/ it needs: space, grass and grain, his mates/ and offspring, and elude the things/ its momentary fury wants- your death

Testament Part 3 of 6

22 views00 comments00 favs

Against that, this testament, scratched/ with misshapen styluses, made/ from memory by unskilled hands,/ with a pallid memory of ink.

Testament Part 3 of 6

900900 views66 comments44 favs

Against that, this testament, scratched/ with misshapen styluses, made/ from memory by unskilled hands,/ with a pallid memory of ink.

Testament Part 4 of 6

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We once saw giants in the clouds and in/ connected points of stars, and named/ them, gods. We placed them in their /high-halled villas,

Testament Part 4 of 6

838838 views33 comments44 favs

We once saw giants in the clouds and in/ connected points of stars, and named/ them, gods. We placed them in their high-halled villas,/ on the mountaintop, to game and frolic

Testament Part 5 of 6

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Who could stood up and looked and cursed their eyes./ The cries and whimpers of the undead cursed their ears./ Who lived breathed in the death and found their bodies/ broken in ways invisible. Salt and bitter the only tastes

Testament (complete)

13151315 views1616 comments1313 favs

Their nouns are few and stark./ Ours are numerous and dappled/ or subtly shaded and shadowed/ by circumstance and possibility.

Testament Part 6 of 6

11 view00 comments00 favs

We were a people, whole and happy, once./ We were enamored with the repetitions/ and surprises of the world.

The Atheist of Mirrors

878878 views1616 comments1212 favs

Don't mistake my eyes for supplication. My invisibility is your nightmare.