1361 2 1
the champagne foam cascades like cherry blossom ensnared in the first gales of spring
2 0 0
mucks up all the chords/
to suit his own thin apparatus.
55 4 4
58 10 8
1706 28 22
I felt/
no need to show what I had made/
to anybody else.
59 8 7
1055 13 6
April spit its greeting, toe to head.
1452 22 12
The drinking will continue/
until morale improves
1206 14 7
Bones consolidate with age. The fleshy/
bits of body follow by wrinkling and/
spreading outward, appearing to expand.
996 11 5
There are no inspirations./
There are only the things I like/
and the much more numerous//
things I do not like.
1039 11 5
As air warms and warm/
winds stir, green becomes the force/
that surges the plains.
756 20 10
A sardonic moon/
surveys our plight and cackles.