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15671567 views88 comments44 favs

All the neighborhood kids waited for the school bus on a small cement slab at the bottom of the first big hill on Blackhorse Road. My mother made me scrambled egg sandwiches on wheat toast every morning for breakfast before I left for school. Then one mor

To The Woman Who Sat With Her Back To The Door

24272427 views1212 comments88 favs

Such a curious smell in the air tonight: part skunk, part fire, part rubber of your tire, pulled liquid hot across that road.

Suicide Rough Drafts

16521652 views00 comments00 favs

The morbidity of red ink is almost entirely lost on the playfulness of Snoopy stationary. But I boldly pressed on with my darkest thoughts to strengthen the effort of my offbeat creative exercise.


17621762 views2121 comments1313 favs

This is my house. You park in the back. * This is a picture of flowers and hands.


20232023 views77 comments66 favs

Nobody goes over there cause that’s where the body was found. A little one. Half in and half out the water, waded up like paper.


23142314 views3030 comments1717 favs

One of my father’s friends never had a name so everyone called him Dickey Dew because he said that’s what everyone called him after he got his balls shot off in Vietnam. I used to sit on his lap while they played five card draw and he would pretend no

Someone Emailed Me Last Night and Asked if I Would Write About Nachos.

31053105 views2222 comments2121 favs

I fell into a crevasse once. I jumped off a bridge once, right before a train was to hit me. Jumped off roofs several times. I have a thing for jumping. The truth is that everyone is bored, and devotes himself to nachos.


35973597 views3535 comments2020 favs

Ok so oops. I messed that up. I made it sexual when it was sweet. Oops. I swear it was the beer. Ok I lie. I always lie.

Let x

25802580 views1212 comments1717 favs

Let x equal the moment just after he tells her he's starting a club for people who know something about computers.It is summer, 1984, and this is their grade school playground. She is idling on a swing over a patch of scuffed earth. He stands just off to the side, one…

MY Last Lecture: Achieving MY Childhood Dreams

26182618 views1010 comments88 favs

The following is an excerpt of my commencement speech at The Hamlin Refrigeration Vocational Institute. Although I am NOT terminally ill, in all honesty, I haven’t been feeling all that great since, I would say, around April…

The Bottle

17221722 views88 comments55 favs

That bottle just sits there in the closet, next to the hats and a box full of old gloves. Years it’s been there. Try as we might, we never open it. We just don’t have a damn thing to celebrate. Who was it brought that bottle into our lives and went and ruined …

Bland, weak, spoiled, slaughtered

18081808 views33 comments77 favs

Their wedding gift to us was a night out with them and tonight was the night. But, you see, Rali and Kate had so much more to offer us than we could ever think to register for. They were giving us an exclusive guide on how to live as an up and coming coup

The Hollow

44174417 views8080 comments3737 favs

They live on the edge of town. There is a cornfield behind their house. When the wind blows, it is like the hands of many children clapping.

Serial Killer

14701470 views22 comments33 favs

Once Mom finally came to terms with the fact that my brother was gay, she became convinced he was a serial killer. “He has all the signs,” she told me as she trimmed my hair. “Signs?” I asked, watching her in the…


42454245 views3030 comments3333 favs

Once you start telling the truth it's hard to quit. You look around and reasons are everywhere. It's like a new appliance, truth-telling, a can opener that's so good you barely have to turn it.On the phone my sister asks me why I don't come out and see her in San…


21972197 views1212 comments1313 favs

My father brought home a turquoise Porsche with red leather upholstery. My sister and I were small, eight and six, and fit tightly in the jumpseats behind my parents.We went for a ride, tooled around Rome, circled the Colosseum, showing off for the people looking. My father…

Straight Out of the Can

16801680 views77 comments88 favs

My other brother, Mike, has been camping out with the Carter boys down the street. For breakfast, he had beans, straight out of a can, and they were the best thing he ever ate. “These are the best,” he told them. “The best beans?” Joe, t

Touching Candy Taylor

17701770 views55 comments88 favs

But you know what? You give yourself a fall back plan, you fall back. Not me. I am shooting for the stars and rising high. Next week, I start filming my first feature film. I get to play Tommy Lee Jones’ sexy little stepdaughter. Me and Tommy are g

Sadie Hawkins Day

39523952 views77 comments99 favs

It’s Leap Year and my school is observing Sadie Hawkins Day, which means the sixth-graders have a dance where the girls ask the boys to dance and the rest of us get to dress up like hillbillies.

I Had Time to Kill

28452845 views2121 comments1515 favs

I had time to kill. I got on the merry-go-round, letting it go slow, thinking of starting blocks, how I might push off them.

The Daughters

21412141 views3535 comments2525 favs

Their mother never teaches them to wipe front to back or to brush their teeth before bed.

The Taco Stand

24122412 views66 comments33 favs

This happened to me on Friday, May 3, 2002 in North Austin on the corner of North Lamar and Mulberry Street.

It's Only Natural

17221722 views88 comments33 favs

I just like puppies, and slapping people.


19011901 views44 comments55 favs

It’s true enough my status as honorary male has come in handy in my profession, but I never considered matters of the flesh. I feel a surge of warmth between my thighs as if a cock is dangling there, thick and florid. The sensation is oddly exciting.

The New Meow

15701570 views44 comments11 fav

I'm delighted to report that I've come up with my own school of thought. It's called, "Dress Like a Cat Until You Get What You Want."

It's a Boy!

32333233 views1818 comments1717 favs

Sex when you’re pregnant Is like sex when you aren’t Pregnant, but with extra people.


17761776 views2020 comments1313 favs

"For God's sake," my mother said. "There could be anthrax in the candy." My mother worried about me going out on Halloween.

the last thing

13571357 views33 comments33 favs

salmon maple syrup horseradish smoke detector the list read, scrawled in purple marker on the refrigerator door.

Cow Juice

22042204 views2121 comments2121 favs

Theresa stopped speaking to me because I ate cows. This made things simple. There was no conversation.

Little Meadow Simms

17901790 views1111 comments1010 favs

"I looked at this skinny, little female child, Meadow Simms. It wasn't only that she was small. Meadow Simms didn't look like other children. Her parents were hippies."