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Not the Prelude in C# Minor?!

4949 views00 comments00 favs

Richard played the piece again, slowly, fingers stretching for the high notes while the left hand kept the bass line moving. Then the theme, both hands hard. The notes on the score blurred, every phrase reminding him of a different melody from a long-forgotten time and…

Black Stag

4949 views00 comments00 favs

Around and down the curved slope of slippery embankment walked the young black male deer, lifting only one leg from each side, front-to-back then back-to-front, leaning to-and-aft, diagonally digging the heels of his alternate hooves into the quick caramel mud. …


4848 views11 comment00 favs

The trucker saw his opportunity; he grabbed the waitress's arm and said, "Hello, arm!""Hello," said Mary Lou, "and goodbye heart!""Arrest me, darlin', this is love in the first degree. Tie me to a tree, make me write bad checks..."The customer seated at the front table had…

No Fool Like An Old Fool

4848 views00 comments00 favs

Starting in his '60's, brain gravity began setting in, and the sand castles started pouring down from the sky like so much rain. That's when he opened his eyes, rubbing in disbelief. This was a risk worth taking. Its time had come and had, in fact, been patiently…

Yucatán Shakedown

4646 views11 comment00 favs

Peter had recently cracked his tooth chewing ice. It was the top left molar, not the far back one, but the one just in front of that. His dental insurance covered most of the extraction but none of the implant. An artificial tooth was considered cosmetic, and they…

Get Up, Go Home

4646 views00 comments00 favs

She breaks away and goes toward the water. The cold screams up through her feet and her knees nearly give out, and she wants to pause, to yell her ear-splitting wordless pain, but she follows the moon out into the Lake. She lurches forward, gasping with e

Last Minute Changes

4646 views44 comments00 favs

“This is what we'll do. We'll bury him so his body will never be found. How? That's the question.” Bob made another short, narrow lap around the trailer's living room slash kitchenette while unwrapping his sixth stick of Big Red gum and jamming it into his mouth…


4444 views55 comments33 favs

all along the watch tower runs a filthy smelly moat

How We Got Away With Everything

4242 views00 comments00 favs

"I've never told anyone this before, Luis," Gus flipped the quarter in the air, catching it deftly as he finished his cerzesa, wiped his mouth with the back of his burn-scarred hand, "And that's how we got away with everything: the money, the girl, and the crime. You got…

Boss Gloss

4242 views11 comment11 fav

Short-short fiction

Expecting Deus Ex Machina

4141 views00 comments00 favs

(or a similar beta version) ... Chip Donor™ Max.3 endscanned and thought, "What do they see in these RealComix? Junk, all scrap objects, bunch of loose frags!" RealParent™ Maxine barely looked up from her new touchless ThotPad 6000. Directed energy connected urge…

Harry's Hair

3838 views22 comments00 favs

Harry's hair had been in the process of falling out for years. He had tried every over-the-counter remedy and prescription available with no success. Over the years, his receding hairline had become a widow's peak, then male…

market your company now

3737 views2626 comments22 favs

List all your business online now.go to if you are looking to sell your business online or advertise your business it is advisable to will get the best clientel there as we have got a lot of traffic…


3737 views00 comments00 favs

The mid-town bar was loud with neighborhood regulars and Friday night office workers; the bartenders were straining to hear wait staff yell drink orders over a blaring '90's soundtrack. Smokers had been relegated to the patio cafe behind the building. At the long bar, Adam…

Cumulo Nimbus

3737 views11 comment11 fav

Un-rhymed free verse

Is this all, folks?

3636 views00 comments00 favs

The carrots were being pulled from below, one by one, accompanied by a cork popping sound as the leafy green tops disappeared in the neat dirt row of adult plants. Anticipating the next one to go, I grabbed the top and pulled back against a surprisingly strong resistance,…


3535 views00 comments00 favs

Vegan friends, the following contains descriptions of hot dog and chicken eating. But 'vegetarian' is late Bronze Age word meaning Poor Hunter. Like 'fisherman' mean only good in water - Mongo Cro-Magnon Part One The BEST hot dog I ever ate by mike whitney, 63, in Clay…

Mongo Enlarges

3333 views22 comments00 favs

Time travel - the final frontier, accept no substitutesMongo was in flux, that nano second during molecular reintegration when it is essential to remain still, a weak spot in the Cro-Borg's can-do list. The human genome contains approximately three billion chemical base…


3131 views22 comments11 fav

North of Los Angeles - 210 FreewayWhen Central Dispatch's Gate bot mistakenly set Mongo down in the middle of present day rush hour instead of his cave home in prehistoric Rudy Valley, traffic was, as usual, gridlocked in all directions; a woman in an SUV was on her cell…

Clara's Journal

2525 views11 comment00 favs

Not a true story.

be kind to your pieces…/torn

1414 views00 comments00 favs

Pieces that said shrug a shrug and then another and one to right with the eyes that squint and one to left with rhythm that never left. And piece after piece, after piece they stich themselves, née weave a tapestry that is the dance your very walk swayed