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The Right Dose

106106 views1414 comments88 favs


Astrology for a Better Future

106106 views1818 comments99 favs

Nobody looks for Gina between the hours of four and five. Her father is on swing shift for the rest of the summer; his two o'clock- dinner plates are soaking in a sinkful of scummy water. Her mother is fanning herself in the shade of the wisteria, most of her…

The Cozy Battle Station

105105 views1010 comments66 favs


How to Listen

105105 views66 comments44 favs


Evil Eyes

105105 views1111 comments77 favs


Life's Meaning

105105 views88 comments55 favs

Every morning when she arrived at work, Jackie filled her bright red cup with coffee, sat down at her desk and riffled through Women's Wear Daily to see if there were any candid photos taken of her walking down Fifth Avenue where…


104104 views1010 comments77 favs

At first, it was tedious, those long Russian names, the convoluted story, but recess after recess he stayed in and became enchanted

How Circular Turns Infinity

104104 views66 comments44 favs


Stranded on Jamaica Street

104104 views66 comments44 favs

There are horse drawn carriages, gentlemen in top hats, it's the turn of some century, before souls were stored in jars.


103103 views88 comments66 favs

She doesn't think about bad things anymore. She used to worry about nukes. She'd imagine Hiroshimas everywhere. She'd imagine the seas rising, the planet a string of deserts, polar bears drowning, butterflies shriveling. The world…

Harlow's Monkeys

103103 views1515 comments88 favs


Ode to the Monterey Peninsula

102102 views22 comments00 favs

Ode to the Monterey PeninsulaWe loveā€¦to stand on Lovers Point in the early morning watching when the waves break how water droplets rise to form fleeting walk by Hawk Tower in the early evening imagining Robinson Jeffers…

How Solomon Built His Temple

102102 views55 comments22 favs

I need an elderly woman to lick my eyeballs clean

Are You Still Mine?

100100 views44 comments11 fav

Greta asked me to slow-dance with her. This was bold behavior for 1960. and she looked me in the eye when she asked..

The Art of Conversation

100100 views22 comments00 favs

The lounge in our hotel —— the Oregon coast —— one guest, wheelchair bound, in residence for the full summer season, asks us in her Main Line Philadelphia accent, "Have you come far?" "No, not far. Flew from Salt Lake…

Ancestral Flashback

100100 views1212 comments55 favs



9999 views1414 comments77 favs


Beginnings That End

9999 views99 comments55 favs

We had to be very quiet in our hiding place, even though Nathan had a cold.

It's Not Paranoia

9999 views99 comments55 favs


The Watcher

9898 views55 comments33 favs


Studies For The End Of The World

9898 views55 comments44 favs


Between Io and Europa

9898 views77 comments55 favs

Ever fallen in love with Simone De Beauvoir?

Mel Brooks Eats Crispy Bacon

9797 views33 comments33 favs

Gorillas with Picassos form charcoal memories Van Gogh leaves his legacy in forgotten fields Astrologers approach the sea of false jealousies And Mel Brooks eats crispy bacon

You Think Too Much

9797 views66 comments44 favs

This was my father's diagnosis of my perpetual misery as an adolescent. “If I thought as much as you do, I'd go crazy.” Probably true as he was an Auschwitz survivor. To him, it was important to substitute…


9595 views33 comments22 favs


Sobriety Group

9595 views1212 comments55 favs

The Sobriety Group met at four every Wednesday night, just in time for the seven members to get a good table at Patrick's bar to drink beer by six. “Beer's not really even alcohol,” laughed one and then all. …

In the Time of the Chou Dynasty

9595 views00 comments00 favs

Young Prince, drowsy, escapes his Royal Tutor for the kitchen. Sitting on a wood block, he follows the swing of Royal Cook cutting a bullock. Crrk with each swinging chop. Wssh with each rent of flesh."Well done," cries Young Prince."Sire, it is The Way.…

The Test

9595 views99 comments66 favs


Playa Conchal

9494 views33 comments33 favs

There is a small resort village on the northwest Pacific shoreline of Costa Rica, within the province of Guanacaste, near a town called Tamarindo. It is arguably the most beautiful of the Esmeralda beaches. Below Playa Hermosa, even further down than Playa Flamingo,…

Loettoer to the oEditor: Poet Frioendly Town?

9292 views11 comment00 favs

Aftoer roenting for 11 yoears, the ownoers are soelling. I livoe with a poet. Thoeroe aroe no availabloe roentals that will loet moe koeoep him. I thought Carmoel was known to be poet-frioendly. Studioes show that poets hoelp poeople livoe longoer. Ploeasoe oexcusoe…