
Title Replies Author Latest Post
A Welcome and Primer STICKY 87 Joani Reese 3 years ago by Kitty Boots
Walter de la Mare/BBC Radio 2 strannikov 4 years ago by Mathew Paust
Review of Erika Byrne-Ludwig's story collection: A Cloud in My Hand 4 Mathew Paust 4 years ago by Mathew Paust
My review of Sam Rasnake's new collection 5 Mathew Paust 4 years ago by Sam Rasnake
UPDATE - A CLOUD IN MY HAND 5 Erika Byrne-Ludwig 4 years ago by Mathew Paust
"Specters of the Sixties--from a Journal of the Plague Year." Now up and running at LITERATI 12 David Ackley 4 years ago by David Ackley
Did the Blog indeed exist... 3 James Lloyd Davis 4 years ago by James Lloyd Davis
  92  Cezarija Abartis Logout Workshops Short Stories  Screenplays  Novellas Photos Short Scripts Poetry Flash Fiction  Novels Groups Site Development The Flash Factory  Best American Short Stories (and other best-of's) Long Stuff Redux Visions 6 Cezarija Abartis 4 years ago by Cezarija Abartis
Tobi Alfier's new collection, lauded by moi 2 Mathew Paust 4 years ago by Mathew Paust
A CLOUD IN MY HAND 12 Erika Byrne-Ludwig 4 years ago by eamon byrne
Starring Erik Satie, Francis Picabia, Man Ray, Marcel Duchamp! 2 strannikov 4 years ago by Sam Rasnake
Forty Minutes+ of Existence, More or Less 4 strannikov 4 years ago by Sam Rasnake
The blog is still quite gone... 2 James Lloyd Davis 4 years ago by Mathew Paust
If Writing Was Music 4 Ivan Reyes 4 years ago by James Lloyd Davis
Art, after all... and like guys used to say who had been to the 'Nam and came back, "Well, it ain't nothing but a thing, man, nothing... but a thing." 6 James Lloyd Davis over 4 years ago by James Lloyd Davis
Absentee 'Nauter Gary V. Powell's new chapbook! 2 Mathew Paust over 4 years ago by James Lloyd Davis
POEMS for the Time of Contagion 9 David Ackley over 4 years ago by Mathew Paust
A Journal of the Plague Year at Literati 3 David Ackley over 4 years ago by David Ackley
Proud to announce my favorite CV-19 poem is published in Literati Magazine (hold your applause, please, we poets try so hard to be modest, you know) 12 Mathew Paust over 4 years ago by Mathew Paust
Kind Surgery - Matt Dennison 12 Rachna K. over 4 years ago by Rachna K.
The blog is still gone... 2 James Lloyd Davis over 4 years ago by James Lloyd Davis
Search engines not finding Fictional? 2 David Ackley over 4 years ago by David Ackley
Bulgakov's Master and Margarita and artes moriendi 2 strannikov over 4 years ago by David Ackley
A Fictionaut Challenge: "The World as it Is" 9 David Ackley over 4 years ago by David Ackley
My review of Beate Sigriddaughter's delightful new chapbook -- Emily 1 Mathew Paust over 4 years ago by Mathew Paust
Leila Rae RIP 5 Dianne McKnight-Warren over 4 years ago by Joani Reese
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