
Title Replies Author Latest Post
A Welcome and Primer STICKY 87 Joani Reese 3 years ago by Kitty Boots
Caveat lector 6 James Lloyd Davis over 11 years ago by Dolemite
What are groups like PANK, Word Riot, Wigleaf, SmokeLong, Glass Women Prize etc about? 9 Jane Flett over 11 years ago by Gloria Garfunkel
Tip Your Hat To The Brave 10 See ya over 11 years ago by Jane Flett
isbn doesn't bring up my book 2 Helen Yung over 11 years ago by Sally Houtman
Tepper / Sassi / Castillo-Oriard / 'copycat' month / Pure Slush 2 Matt Potter over 11 years ago by Gloria Garfunkel
CPR Editor's Favorites for 2012 4 Barry Basden over 11 years ago by James Claffey
AWP Boston 26 Gessy Alvarez over 11 years ago by Gessy Alvarez
Robert Vaughn interviews me at The Lit Pub 7 See ya over 11 years ago by James Claffey
how to post an image 3 Lillian Ann Slugocki over 11 years ago by Lillian Ann Slugocki
Writing About Writing Group Challenge 11 Gloria Garfunkel over 11 years ago by Gloria Garfunkel
SIXFOLD 2 Robin Graham over 11 years ago by Gloria Garfunkel
Highly Recommended 3 Dolemite over 11 years ago by Dolemite
A reader's paradise 6 Gone over 11 years ago by Dolemite
Barry Basden 8 Carol Reid over 11 years ago by John Riley
Is it a money thing? 23 Dolemite over 11 years ago by Gloria Garfunkel
kyle Hemmings and Guilie Castillo-Oriard @ Pure Slush for 'copycat' month 1 Matt Potter over 11 years ago by Matt Potter
English As She Is Spoke 4 Sam Beasley over 11 years ago by Sally Houtman
New issue, the Blue Five Notebook Series ... now online 1 Sam Rasnake over 11 years ago by Sam Rasnake
Garfunkel in The Linnet's Wings 9 Gloria Garfunkel over 11 years ago by Gloria Garfunkel
Brandon Amico (poetry) at A-Minor 1 Nicolette Wong over 11 years ago by Nicolette Wong
Labelling Serial Flash Fiction 1 Gloria Garfunkel over 11 years ago by Gloria Garfunkel
JANET'S TIPS: 11 Ramon Collins over 11 years ago by Ramon Collins
Story in fwriction and in Hellroaring Review 3 Andrew Stancek over 11 years ago by James Lloyd Davis
Who is accepting submissions / who should I submit to? 13 Kait Mauro over 11 years ago by Nathaniel Tower
Writing: self-communion or communication? 41 Marcus Speh over 11 years ago by James Lloyd Davis
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