Forum / Groups prolong story's exposure

  • Dsc_7543.thumb
    Gloria Garfunkel
    Jan 27, 09:12pm

    In response to previous complaints that stories are moving too fast through the system, I'd like to suggest that posting your story on successive relevant groups can keep it visible for a much longer time. I love the idea of theme groups and have proposed many. I hope they help people feel like their stories get a fair share of exposure. Comparing approaches to similar themes intrigues me. I haven't published much and so the journal groups are for the most part not relevant to my needs at all. I don't get the point of posting on them if you haven't published in them and they aren't accepting your work.

  • Better_than.thumb
    Sally Jayne Heymann
    Jan 30, 03:33pm

    Thank you for suggesting this, Gloria. I hadn't even looked at the groups. To be honest, the title made me think of cliques, so I just passed over that button, but I am glad you pointed me in that direction.

  • Dsc_7543.thumb
    Gloria Garfunkel
    Feb 04, 12:46am

    The newer groups are whatever we make them.

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