
Title Replies Author Latest Post
A Welcome and Primer STICKY 87 Joani Reese 3 years ago by Kitty Boots
Existential Gangrene 6 Chris Okum over 9 years ago by Mathew Paust
Daniel Harris's Editor's Eye 8 Carol Reid over 9 years ago by Daniel Harris
A celebration of flash fiction June 27 3 Carol Reid over 9 years ago by Samuel Derrick Rosen
Get Swooned again! 8 Sally Houtman over 9 years ago by Samuel Derrick Rosen
The Sweetheart of Wands - Youtube 3 Samuel Derrick Rosen over 9 years ago by Samuel Derrick Rosen
Poet Special Issue from Blue Fifth Review 3 Sam Rasnake over 9 years ago by Ann Bogle
Tawnysha Greene 6 Sally Houtman over 9 years ago by Carol Reid
Blue Fifth Review... Spring Quarterly - Salt ... now live 5 Sam Rasnake over 9 years ago by Sam Rasnake
Charlotte Hamrick's Editor's Eye 4 Carol Reid over 9 years ago by Charlotte Hamrick
Five Things the Submitting Writer Should Know 3 Sally Houtman over 9 years ago by Rachna K.
Iggy Pop talks about stuff 3 Carol Reid over 9 years ago by Ann Bogle
The Audience Is Listening 2 Chris Okum over 9 years ago by Gary Hardaway
Finding places to submit? 5 Kait Mauro over 9 years ago by Robert Vaughan
As Seen on Facebook: 4 Ramon Collins over 9 years ago by Sally Houtman
Now Open for Submissions 1 Amanda Harris over 9 years ago by Amanda Harris
Let's try again... 70 James Lloyd Davis over 9 years ago by Gary V. Powell
Issue 5 of The Miscreant 3 Amanda Harris over 9 years ago by Gary Hardaway
Blue Fifth Review's May 2015 Issue... 3 Sam Rasnake over 9 years ago by Gary Hardaway
Editor's Eye with Dennis Mahagin 5 Carol Reid over 9 years ago by Robert Vaughan
Calling Glasgow Poets 3 Samuel Derrick Rosen over 9 years ago by Samuel Derrick Rosen
The latest - 2 Sally Houtman over 9 years ago by Rachna K.
Grounded on Facebook for 24 hours 9 Ann Bogle over 9 years ago by Ann Bogle
Night Chorus 11 Joani Reese over 9 years ago by Joani Reese
Blue Fifth Review - Broadside #38 1 Sam Rasnake over 9 years ago by Sam Rasnake
Lucinda Kempe's Editor's Eye 8 Carol Reid over 9 years ago by Lucinda Kempe
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