by Jake Barnes
I crawl under a table in the kitchen and listen to the women talk. They are preparing the dinner. It is Christmas, and the whole family is gathered in the kitchen and parlor.
The women are talking about Uncle Larry's wife. She's not there. Grandma says she's got hoity toity ways. She thinks she's better than us, she says.
Then they talk about somebody else. They whisper and I can't hear what they are saying. I wonder who they're talking about now? Olive? Phillip's wife? Then Grandma says, “She's got more than that in her belly,” and everybody laughs. I laugh, too. I can't help it. It looks funny to see their fat legs without bodies.
Then somebody lifts the tablecloth and looks at me. It's Aunt Nora. She's looking at me upside down, and that looks funny, too. I laugh and point.
My mother pulls me out from under the table by one arm. She swats me on the bottom. I howl. I dash into the parlor and hurl myself at my father's legs. He ruffles my hair. “What's the matter, Sport?” he asks.
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202 words
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And the men sat around talking about the weather.
Very nice. Brings back memories of a simpler time, the mischievousness of childhood and the gathering of large families during the holidays.
Listen to the gossip but pretend you didn't. That's the rule!
Good opening. The piece reminds me of Fanny & Alexander. *
Rendered so well, Jake.
Good work. I always preferred the kitchen. Lots of good bits falling off the plates.*
This does bring back memories of eavesdropping on the mysterious and secret lives of adults. I remember Thanksgivings like this, segregated. Seems so odd now even though it still sometimes happens.
Awesome. Much goes on in kitchens. *
Enjoyed. The child's perspective, the legs, the upside down views make this work. *
Perfect! The first in a series of "Under the Table Tales"?
Haha! Nice little piece of childhood nostalgia there. :)
Nice slice of life here. *
Can't remember which of you I have messaged and which I have not. Thanks to you all!
Excellent stuff. Read to the end and enjoyed.
Excellent, Brings back memories when I did that sort of thing--eavesdropping on adults. Fav'd
Good one Jake! Puts me right there! *
Very tight piece, Jake--as well as funny & full of the drama your protagonist’s discoveries!
Joys of the two parent family!
Steve, Kyle, Michael, Ed, Steven--thank you, too. I appreciate the "hey, I like this" reviews.
Good beginning.
Great story, Jake. I can so see this happening and it makes me giggle. *
This is fantastic! I love the deceptive simplicity. There's a whole lot going on there.