
Title Replies Author Latest Post
A Welcome and Primer STICKY 87 Joani Reese almost 3 years ago by Kitty Boots
Voyeurs 2 Ann Bogle almost 12 years ago by RW Spryszak 6 Gloria Garfunkel almost 12 years ago by Gloria Garfunkel
serial HOT flash GROUP NEW IDEA 1 Gloria Garfunkel almost 12 years ago by Gloria Garfunkel
POISON 2 Gloria Garfunkel almost 12 years ago by Gloria Garfunkel
Uncle! 1 Ann Bogle almost 12 years ago by Ann Bogle
Letras Caseras at Tumblr 10 Roberto C. Garcia almost 12 years ago by James Claffey
NYTimes: A Critic’s Case for Critics Who Are Actually Critical 12 Carson Baker almost 12 years ago by Marcus Speh
New idea never before suggested at Fictionaut (or if it has, please guide) 4 Ann Bogle almost 12 years ago by Lynn Beighley
Looking for a RI-area writer for novel swap 1 Matthew Keefer almost 12 years ago by Matthew Keefer
THE WHOLE DAMN THING 2 Benjamin Matvey almost 12 years ago by Benjamin Matvey
Tom Holmes at A-Minor 1 Nicolette Wong almost 12 years ago by Nicolette Wong
New Post at Bent Country 1 See ya almost 12 years ago by See ya
Do Yourself a Favor and Read This Story by James Valvis 11 See ya almost 12 years ago by Gloria Mindock
Scissors and Spackle 4 Andrew Stancek almost 12 years ago by Gloria Mindock
Christian Bell story up at CPR today 7 Barry Basden almost 12 years ago by Gloria Mindock
A conversation on writing contests 1 Jim Harrington almost 12 years ago by Jim Harrington
OK, you've never written serial flash 1 Gloria Garfunkel almost 12 years ago by Gloria Garfunkel
M ILLNESS group at F'naut 5 Ann Bogle almost 12 years ago by James Claffey
IS SERIAL FICTION REALLY FLASH OR SHORT? 4 Gloria Garfunkel almost 12 years ago by James Claffey
SERIAL STORIES 1 Gloria Garfunkel almost 12 years ago by Gloria Garfunkel
Kathy Fish talks up Susan Tepper in the MONDAY CHAT LIVE! 4 Susan Tepper almost 12 years ago by Susan Tepper
MICRO CAFE OPEN TO ALL MICROS 1 Gloria Garfunkel almost 12 years ago by Gloria Garfunkel
Live in NYC and a new release! 8 MichaelDickes almost 12 years ago by MichaelDickes
Millness is a new group at Fictionaut 1 Ann Bogle almost 12 years ago by Ann Bogle
Eric Burke at A-Minor 1 Nicolette Wong almost 12 years ago by Nicolette Wong
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