Forum / Interview with Darryl Price at Bent Country

  • Img_0741.thumb
    See ya
    Apr 28, 11:13am

    Darryl Price sat on the porch and talked for a spell with me at Bent Country. Please have a look. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

  • With_ted_3.thumb
    Bill Yarrow
    Apr 28, 01:49pm

    "I'm a poet. A writer. I fashion things out of words."

    Great interview with Darryl Price, a true poet all the way through. Enjoyable. Informative. Eloquent.

    Excellent questions, Sheldon.

  • Mosaic_man_marcus.thumb
    Marcus Speh
    Apr 28, 03:48pm

    This is a wonderful interview, it's up there in my pantheon of interviews I'll come back to when I need a boost or when the road's got so dusty that I need an inspiring fork. Both Darryl's and your own work, Sheldon, carries that capability in almost every word: to inspire and make us stop to think & feel; an important mission without being missionary; you both don't shy away from the task of true shaping, but you stay close to the ground, feet firmly planted in the fertile mud. I especially loved Sheldon’s questions on the early call to write and on giving up writing. Darryl’s answers resonated with me strongly. And to think that I've never met either of you in person! But I'm not giving up on that one. Thanks for this, poet-pal Darryl and storm-seeker Sheldon. Tweeted and shared.

  • Darryl_falling_water.thumb
    Darryl Price
    Apr 28, 09:19pm

    Thanks Bill and Marcus, and Shel for the great honor of your company.It felt good to banter back and forth with such a great soul as Mr. Compton. I hope I lived up to my side of the bargain. Here's a copy of the last note I sent to Shel before we called it a night:Every garden has to begin somewhere. It reflects the choices made by the gardener as well as the attention given to the space it occupys. Sometimes I like to let my poems overgrow, just to see that shape take shape. Other times I neatly trim them to fit a certain sunset. But most times I just enjoy the work and being in it and tweeking it here and there to produce maybe one more flower,one more fruit,one more color in the Autumn leaves to come. I'm thankful for the act of writing. I like doing it. I find it beautiful to behold. That's why a lot of times you'll see me commenting on sentence structure in something I read that I like. I'm fascinated by what others come up with. It brings me to tears some times, it's so beautiful. I only want for myself to keep on trying to get it right. To make something everyone can enjoy and find illumination from. Thanks for the opportunity to let me speak from the heart here. Much appreciated.Publish away my friend. It's you and me making the message available this time. Aren't we two lucky fellows?

  • Img_0741.thumb
    See ya
    Apr 28, 10:04pm

    Thanks to everyone! Glad you included that last bit, DP. Wasn't sure you intended it for the interview, but it was a fine fine thing to say, and I'm thrilled you said it here, man.

  • S._tepper--nov--lighter.thumb
    Susan Tepper
    Apr 28, 10:28pm

    Here is what I tried to post on the site but it woudln't take my "credentials"..

    This is a very good interview that reeks of truth, and the appreciation of this art form--writing. I'm one who receives gift-poems from Darryl and it was an honor to publish one of his amazing flash fictions in Wilderness House Lit Review last year. I'll never in all my life forget the young man in that story. The voice just shook me to my core, it was so without guile or pretense, which is how I've come to know Darryl Price the Poet, too. Sheldon, thanks for this wonderful exchange between two very fine writers.

  • Img_0741.thumb
    See ya
    Apr 29, 02:06am

    Thanks, Susan. Spread the word for DP. Not sure about the credentials thing, but the link is to my blog Bent Country and I don't think you have to follow it to comment. Not sure.

  • 0388e1260hbw.thumb
    Mark Reep
    Apr 29, 03:28am

    Darryl, Shel- Good stuff. Thanks.

  • Richter.thumb
    Apr 29, 03:55pm

    Great interview Sheldon & Darryl!

  • Img_0741.thumb
    See ya
    Apr 29, 04:05pm

    Hey, Marcelle...hope all is well, and thanks for having a look at Darryl's interview, and the kind words.

  • Kreuzberg,%20germany%201992.thumb
    Robert Vaughan
    Apr 29, 05:08pm

    What an amazing exchange between two of my favorite writers! This was excellent reading and like Marcus, I want to savor it again and again. Thanks, Shel and Darryl!

  • Img_0741.thumb
    See ya
    Apr 29, 10:58pm

    What a nice thing to say, Robert. So pleased you enjoyed the interview. Can't say how excited I was that Darryl agreed to chat with me.

  • Darryl_falling_water.thumb
    Darryl Price
    Apr 30, 02:51pm

    Thank you, Robert!This was a labor of love, and the honor was all mine to be able to work it up with someone like Shel. He's the reason it works, if it works at all.And Robert, you're one of my favorite writers, too.Sheldon has always inspired me, and you do, too.Thanks.

  • Darryl_falling_water.thumb
    Darryl Price
    Apr 30, 05:13pm

    Comment that I couldn't get to post at Bent Country:Marcus, I have every intention of meeting up with you one day,too,and sitting face to face,eyeball to eyeball as John Lennon used to say, having the most entertaining conversation of our wild lives.Thank you Michelle, Sam and Linda for adding your remarkable voices to the conversation. Your generosity knows no bounds.And to Bill, King Poet,Susan,like a light for me at all times, Marcelle,always on my mind,and Robert,the coolest guy on the planet, I don't have enough words to begin to say how much your support means to me. Thanks guys.

  • Gloriamindock200x274.thumb
    Gloria Mindock
    May 01, 01:40pm

    What a wonderful insightful, honest interview Darryl. I really enjoyed it so much. Just a real heartfelt talk between you two and I really enjoyed it so much. Thank you Sheldon and Darryl!!!! I am so glad to know you both on Fictionaut.

  • Img_0741.thumb
    See ya
    May 01, 04:51pm

    Was so pleased with our exchange, Darryl. Your work speaks to the heart more sincerely than any other I've come across.

    And thanks for reading, Gloria. Darryl has so much to say, and so much of that needs to be heard as often as possible, I think.

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