New Issue of Mad Hatters' Review just out.
Moving tribute to Carol Novack by editor Marc Vincenz.
I'm honored to have three poems in the issue alongside work by Marcus Speh, Martin Heavisides, Doug Bond and many others.
Thank you, Ann Bogle for your encouragement.
Congratulations Bill on having work in the tribute issue to Carol and the other Fictionauts too! This is great. I just wrote Marc Vicent and told him what a nice issue it is. I read part of it and will finish the rest tomorrow. I keep getting interupted here at work.
Love your poems Bill. Way to go! You are a wonderful writer, an inspiration.
Boy, forgive the typo in Marc's name. I'm doing well here. I meant Marc Vincenz. See what my regular job does to me. Ha-Ha! Sorry Marc.
Thanks, Gloria, for your kind, cheering words.
It's a wonderful issue worthy of Carol's quirky genius, thanks for contributing and for announcing, Bill. I believe Carol would have been over the moon about it. Perhaps that's where she is right now looking down at us, who knows. (She'd not have appreciated that sentimental notion of an afterlife, but she's not here to tell me off, alas.)
As cnfic edtior, I am wildly pleased about the cnfic section, as well as all the sections: the tribute, the poetry, the fiction, the multimedia, the audio and the rest. Please take a look at Daniel Harris's The Butterfly Effect (audio recitation, text, and illustration). It's the first raconteur story I've seen on the net. AND it's scintillatingly sexy.
Great job, Bill and Marcus and Doug and all and kudos to Vincenz and Harshenin (Shirley, our webmaestress).
Congratulations on the job you did too with the issue!!!! Bravo!!!!
Will head over to read the 100+ authors after finals. Congrats to everyone who contributed, and especially to you, Bill.
Thanks, everyone! It's a wonderful issue. Many riches. Explore and enjoy!
Thanks for all the kudos and comments, folks. And Gloria, thanks for spelling my name right! We wanted to make this issue something that Carol would be proud of, and thank you all for your fantastic contributions - Bill and Ann - and everyone who was involved; but no fear, we'll be back again soon with more madness!