
Title Replies Author Latest Post
A Welcome and Primer STICKY 87 Joani Reese 3 years ago by Kitty Boots
Two Fictionauts, Susan Tepper and gloria Mindock have new poems published in Muddy River Poetry Review 14 Gloria Mindock almost 14 years ago by Sam Rasnake
Tinkers 1 Kevin Myrick almost 14 years ago by Kevin Myrick
Wufniks and Red Lion Square (More shameless self-promo) 12 Kim Conklin almost 14 years ago by Jules Archer
Luna Park Review Call for Submissions 1 M.H. almost 14 years ago by M.H.
Black Warrior Review (shameless self-promotion) 13 stephen hastings-king almost 14 years ago by Christian Bell
UK poetry workshop 2 Matt Dennison almost 14 years ago by Matt Dennison
Sam Shepard Reading His Short Stories 4 Bill Yarrow almost 14 years ago by Robert Vaughan
Update on Gloria Mindock 9 Gloria Mindock almost 14 years ago by Gloria Mindock
Reading submissions / poetry and flash 6 Sam Rasnake almost 14 years ago by Susan Gibb
employment 10 Matthew A. Hamilton almost 14 years ago by Matthew A. Hamilton
titles chopped from Groups? 17 David Ackley almost 14 years ago by H-M Brown
Petition the Lord with Prayer 3 Matt Dennison almost 14 years ago by Matt Dennison
Interview 10 Ann Bogle almost 14 years ago by Gloria Mindock
Piece at MB 12 Jules Archer almost 14 years ago by Gloria Mindock
Blue Fifth Review Fall 2010 9 Sam Rasnake almost 14 years ago by Gloria Mindock
A few silly questions from someone completely lost 12 W.F. Lantry almost 14 years ago by Sam Rasnake
Who said: "A novel is.. 5 Matt Dennison almost 14 years ago by Bill Yarrow
What Happened to the Group Sections? 3 H-M Brown almost 14 years ago by H-M Brown
Dreams with Sharp Teeth 2 Matt Dennison almost 14 years ago by Carol Reid
Time of Day 47 Ann Bogle almost 14 years ago by Susan Tepper
Formating removed from posts 21 J. Mykell Collinz almost 14 years ago by Lynn Beighley
Fiction workshop in NYC seeks new members 2 Benjamin Chadwick almost 14 years ago by Benjamin Chadwick
Audio of radio show I did last May 1 Bill Yarrow almost 14 years ago by Bill Yarrow
Hint Fiction reviewed in NYer Book Bench 4 Jane Hammons almost 14 years ago by Kathleen A. Ryan
BLIP Magazine Now Accepting Submissions 2 Gary Percesepe almost 14 years ago by Jules Archer
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