by Mathew Paust
In charge. What an idea. More control than I've ever realized. Well, the illusion of control. Whatever hand is on the plug no doubt can pull it without warning, on a whim or by some preordained schedule, no way for me to know. No way to know if there even is a hand or a plug. And would I want a warning? That's something to chew on, and for all I know I have plenty of time for the chewing. All the same there are plenty more things on which to chew, so many that merely prioritizing them could take forever.
If not, though, if the plug comes out before I finish this thought, is this the thought I wish to be my last? Well, it must be, or I'd be thinking another one. So there goes the illusion of control and the pressing weight of its responsibility. A luxury, this sense of free-fall, for the moment anyway, riding a whimsy that steers away from the darker concerns. Plug? What plug? Pain? Sanity-robbing pain? Yes, yes, of course. I've mentioned it, it's uncomfortably near, in memory but congealing to theory the longer absent. My faith's in the whimsy now. She's in charge. Why deny her?
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Nothing like whimming, yes. Personally, I aim for Fridays. Everything after that becomes bonus zone. Nicely done! *
Among my favorites in the series.
There goes the illusion of control.*
"My faith's in the whimsy now."
My faith's in the whimsy now. She's in charge. Why deny her?
I read all the Snatches. They are fascinating, like sleepwalking in a dream. Or like tripping. Malleable reality? They also remind of floating at night in dark water. The strange danger of the familiar in the dark. That kind of ambience. *
I'd buy a book of Snatches, should be published in pocket form so it can be carried around easily.
Grateful, friends. You're inspiring.
*, Mathew
"..there goes the illusion of control and the pressing weight of its responsibility."
Really enjoyed this piece.
In charge. Indeed. Keep hands off that plug!*
Love the resigned (abashed?) humor. Especially liked the notion/phrase: "congealing to theory the longer absent."
"So there goes the illusion of control and the pressing weight of its responsibility." Yeah, and the whimsy of it all. Nice job.*
I love the voice of this - a sardonic resignation of sorts told via stream of consciousness. It really draws you in and makes you feel as if you're on the mental roller coaster with the speaker.