by Jack Swenson
It's eerie. There are no birds. My friend and I take our morning walk in a bubble of silence. At one time the business park was an aviary. The folks came and went; the wild life flourished.
Now, nothing. This morning, a few geese. Lost, I figured. Or tired. Taking a break before continuing the journey north.
Bert and I plod along the trail on the bank of a stream. We stop on a bridge over the water and look down. The water is pea soup green. Dead. In shallow spots water devoid of life ripples over mossy stones.
Bert says they sprayed and killed the bugs. There's nothing for the birds to eat. It's true; there are no bugs either. There never were any bugs, I say. This is California. You see any butterflies around, he asks? There used to be butterflies. We still got ants, I say. Yes, he concedes.
I tell him my brother-in-law claims a third of the particulates in the air come from China. Maybe it's that. He says it's developers. They're building another dike out from shore in the bay. Ten years from now there'll be houses on it.
Maybe it's the ozone layer I say. Naw, he says. That don't bother the bugs. How do you know, I ask?
I point to the contrails coming off a military jet high above our heads. Those suckers use a lot of fuel, I point out.
I sigh. Well, if it's the city council responsible for it, we'll never find out about it. I bet that's it though. They sprayed for mosquitoes and overdid it.
They don't spray for mosquitoes out here, Bert says. They do in Minnesota, I say. Yah, well this ain't Minnesota, Bert says.
We finish our walk and go our separate ways. He drives home in his GMC truck, and I head for WalMart in my Toyota Tacoma.
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And now for a change of pace....
Love how the dialogue moves this piece, Jack. I really don't want to know what's really in the air we breathe. Great "ah ha" in that final image. *
I like the car details in the end, somehow it seems to really fit with the piece. This one moves along just right, easy conversation done just right.
Love this. We're all part of the problem!
Works for me. Not preachy, just true.
They should spray the frigging City Council. The Chinese will take care of themselves.
Uncharacteristically sober.
Important questions on a major problem needing immediate attention. Good change of pace. You do this well, as with everthing else you write.
"T'was the fireworks what killed the birds."
--Yer Govt. At Work.
True and to the point. Well done. *
A kind of homey commentary on the state of bug (less)life, a bit Garrison Keillor-ish, a good story. But I missed the sex scenes! You gotta have some sex, here, this is a Jack Swenson story... we on the east coast are freezing our butts off, we need to read some steam...
Like it.
Nice piece, Jack. Enjoyed very much.
Really nicely done!
Clever pun on Rachel Carson's <i>Silent Spring</i>. I can't help but wonder if the joke-like quality of it makes for diminishing returns on re-reads though. Good work without being overtly preachy.
I like it! Possible eco-eerie story title: Bug Spray