
Title Replies Author Latest Post
A Welcome and Primer STICKY 87 Joani Reese 3 years ago by Kitty Boots
Suggestion: comment notifications. 12 Frankie Saxx almost 12 years ago by James Lloyd Davis
Answering Questions? Or not? 6 Rand M. Burgess almost 12 years ago by Rand M. Burgess
Hello, I'm new, does anyone here write fiction more than 2K words? 21 Sturla Grey almost 12 years ago by Gloria Garfunkel
Last chance to donate: Metazen Christmas Ebook III 14 Marcus Speh almost 12 years ago by Marcus Speh
Teneice Durrant Delgado at A-Minor 3 Nicolette Wong almost 12 years ago by Sam Rasnake
For those with the patience for morethan 2K words 7 Sturla Grey almost 12 years ago by Sturla Grey
Imbroglio 9 Gloria Garfunkel almost 12 years ago by Frankie Saxx
Group "search" button not working 2 Frankie Saxx almost 12 years ago by Frankie Saxx
Pure Slush now accepting submissions about Catherine the Great 1 Matt Potter almost 12 years ago by Matt Potter
One impetuously generated thread where no one despises or rebukes or dimninishes another with words, but instead praises them... 41 James Lloyd Davis almost 12 years ago by Mathew Paust
In spite of the end of things... 10 MichaelDickes almost 12 years ago by MichaelDickes
An Explicit Invitation 7 strannikov almost 12 years ago by Dolemite
Y'all about ready for Amazon's novel contest? 3 Mathew Paust almost 12 years ago by Mathew Paust
Ajay Vishwanathan at Camroc Press Review 2 Barry Basden almost 12 years ago by Sally Houtman
Kyle Hemmings, Matt McGee and Diana J. Wynne now @ Pure Slush 2 Matt Potter almost 12 years ago by James Claffey
Got problems? Ask Sybil 1 brian warfield almost 12 years ago by brian warfield
CPR's Micro Award Nominees, 2012 3 Barry Basden almost 12 years ago by Sally Houtman
Jaylee Alde, Eric Guignard, Robyn Parnell, james Claffey, Stephanie Dickinson and many more in the much delayed but now here THRICE 4 RW Spryszak almost 12 years ago by Sturla Grey
Is Happiness a Warm Gun? Or Does a Cold One Work as Well? 16 Gary Hardaway almost 12 years ago by Gary Hardaway
Thrice Fiction Magazine -- Fictionauters 9 Andrew Stancek almost 12 years ago by MichaelDickes
Adam Sifre 16 Frankie Saxx almost 12 years ago by Matthew Robinson
New from Blue Fifth Review ...Poetry Special 4 Sam Rasnake almost 12 years ago by Sally Houtman
A Poet's Response 2 Joani Reese almost 12 years ago by Gloria Garfunkel
Thrice Fiction 6 Gloria Garfunkel almost 12 years ago by Gloria Garfunkel
Where do I report GIANT DISASTEROUS BUGS THAT ATE ALL MY COMMENTS?!!!! 22 Frankie Saxx almost 12 years ago by Sally Houtman
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