
Title Replies Author Latest Post
A Welcome and Primer STICKY 87 Joani Reese 3 years ago by Kitty Boots
My first time at the wheel of MadHat Lit fiction 13 Carol Reid over 9 years ago by Charlotte Hamrick
Bill Yarrow with Blue Fifth Review 6 Sam Rasnake over 9 years ago by Ellen Parker
Editor's Eye: Nonnie Augustine 3 Gary Hardaway over 9 years ago by Lucinda Kempe
Yet another new video poem 7 Sally Houtman over 9 years ago by Samuel Derrick Rosen
Ash Wednesday 1 Ann Bogle over 9 years ago by Ann Bogle
February 2015 Issue from Blue Fifth Review 2 Sam Rasnake over 9 years ago by Robert Vaughan
'Don't Kill Me I'm in Love' submission call 1 Matt Potter over 9 years ago by Matt Potter
Now up at the Veterans Writing Project 3 David Ackley over 9 years ago by David Ackley
Looking for Submissions 2 Amanda Harris over 9 years ago by Adam Sifre
It's Black History Month, y'all 1 Barry Basden over 9 years ago by Barry Basden
Editor's Eye: Gita Smith 3 Gary Hardaway over 9 years ago by Sam Rasnake
Help me attain authorial legitimacy! 23 Mathew Paust over 9 years ago by Tina Barry
On a cold day, David Ackley can make you sweat 9 Barry Basden over 9 years ago by David Ackley
_Truck_ in February 2015 1 Ann Bogle over 9 years ago by Ann Bogle
New... Broadside 37 from Blue Fifth Review 3 Sam Rasnake over 9 years ago by Gary Hardaway
Circle Jerk 4 Chris Okum over 9 years ago by Oliver Hunt
Unfinished projects. 3 Adam Sifre over 9 years ago by Adam Sifre
Editor's Eye: Emily Bertholf 8 Gary Hardaway over 9 years ago by Ann Bogle
The Exit? 8 Letitia Coyne over 9 years ago by Letitia Coyne
From Blue Fifth Review... blue collection 5: collaboration 2 Sam Rasnake over 9 years ago by Joani Reese
How to pick up women. 15 Adam Sifre over 9 years ago by Adam Sifre
New Books 2015 2 Misti Rainwater-Lites over 9 years ago by Ann Bogle
CPR's Editor's Favorites for 2014 3 Barry Basden over 9 years ago by Ann Bogle
from Blue Fifth Review... January 2015 Issue 2 Sam Rasnake over 9 years ago by Ann Bogle
'Keeping Trim' - flash and micro workshop 1 Matt Potter over 9 years ago by Matt Potter
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