Forum / Issue 4 of The Miscreant

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    Amanda Harris
    Mar 05, 07:23pm

    is now live.

    Fiction by strannikov, Gary V. Powell, Chris Okum, Steven Gowin, Robert Cole, Cezarija Abartis, Christopher Allen, Barry Basden, Matt Hill and Deborah Oster Pannell.

    Poetry by Emily Bertholf, Keri Withington, Jenene Ravesloot, jan Ball and Lucy Logsdon.

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    Sam Rasnake
    Mar 05, 09:17pm

    Great, great selections. Enjoying these. I'm applauding, Amanda.

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    Gary Hardaway
    Mar 06, 02:30am

    What a cast!

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    Ann Bogle
    Mar 06, 03:58pm

    Feeling just happy/wild about discovering _The Miscreant_ yesterday or so. It's terrific. It's a little opaque (as opposed to transparent) -- no masthead, etc. -- and in that way simply mysterious. As Sam said, great, great selections (all issues). And as Gary said, what a cast! It's nice to see the work of my once classmate, L.L.

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